Staging pressure injury in darkly pigmented skin
The challenge of staging pressure injury in darkly pigmented skin. A Western Sydney experience.
In order to fully assess patients for pressure injuries we need to complete a comprehensive skin assessment. This is particularly important in darker pigmented skin as visual colour changes are often difficult to detect. It is known internationally that Stage 1 pressure injuries are under-reported in darker pigmented skin and it is believed this is due to not being able to see colour changes. This webinar will help you understand how to perform a comprehensive skin assessment in darker pigmented skin, along with a deeper understanding of the stages.
This webinar will provide an overview of the staging of pressure injuries, the latest 2019 International guidelines in relation to these and what this means for you. Also a look at why a comprehensive skin assessment is so important and how this can aid in early identification of pressure injuries and reduction in them progressing further, particularly in darker pigmented skin.
About our speaker:
Andrea Kirk, Pressure Injury Coordinator CNS,
Western Sydney Local Health District.
Andrea is the Pressure Injury Coordinator for WSLHD. Andrea trained in the UK and moved to Australia in 2008. Her background is working in burns and plastics and critical care settings. Andrea has also worked as a territory manager and whilst this career wasn’t for her and she learnt a lot about the evidence behind pressure injuries, how they develop and how they can be prevented. This is where her passion started as she realised the number of pressure injuries that can be prevented and this is now her goal.