Dementia – A Patient Centred Approach

Dementia – A Patient Centred Approach
This webinar will focus on the role of the nursing team and co-workers managing dementia in the acute and aged care settings. Recent outcomes from the Royal Commission into aged care have focussed on improving patient care and harm minimisation.  This leads to improving patient centred care, a key feature of good quality practice in caring for patients living with dementia.


The webinar will:

  • Review the clinical features, stages and phases of dementia and relate these to symptoms that affect the patient living with dementia.

  • Review the current non pharmacological approaches to managing patients and the symptoms/presentations that the acute and aged care nurse may encounter.

  • Use case studies to guide understanding of how best to manage these scenarios.

About our speaker:

Dr Stephanie Daly is a specialist GP in Dementia. She is a fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners. She has completed post graduate training in Dementia Studies at the University of Bradford in the UK.  Throughout her career she has worked in the aged care setting as well as acute hospital units. She has worked alongside a variety of professionals including geriatricians, psycho-geriatricians and other GP’s and nurse colleagues.  In the UK she ran a GP led memory assessment service, providing early diagnosis for patients with cognitive impairment.

More recently since moving to Australia she has become an advocate for patients living with Dementia and has facilitated the practice she works at becoming one of the first dementia friendly (Dementia Australia approved) GP surgeries in Australia.  She also works as an educator with Dementia Training Australia and is passionate about education in leading to improved outcomes for patients and their families.



23/09/2020 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time