
Nursing Informatics during the pandemic: new ways of working

Nursing Informatics during the pandemic: new ways of working

Nurse Informatics

This highly relevant webinar will discussed practical examples of how nurses have adapted their work or workplaces utilising informatics during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through this webinar, participants will: • Consider how nurses’ work and workplaces needed to adapt due to the COVID-19 pandemic. • Think of some examples of how nursing informatics has helped nurses and their work during the COVID-19 pandemic. • Consider how your workplace has (or could have) adapted practices during the COVID-19 pandemic – specifically with nursing informatics practices and opportunities.


Presented by:

• Guillaume Leroux MACN. Customer Experience Manager for Personify Care • Katrina Otto. Managing Director and owner of Train IT Medical; • Jannette Gogler MACN. Deputy Chief Nursing & Midwifery Information Officer at Monash Health

Nursing Informatics during the pandemic: new ways of working

This highly relevant webinar will discussed practical examples of how nurses have adapted their work or workplaces utilising informatics during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Through this webinar, participants will:
• Consider how nurses’ work and workplaces needed to adapt due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
• Think of some examples of how nursing informatics has helped nurses and their work during the COVID-19 pandemic.
• Consider how your workplace has (or could have) adapted practices during the COVID-19 pandemic – specifically with nursing informatics practices and opportunities.
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Free for Members

Non-Member: not available (Join Now)

Content Type: Webinar recording

Duration: 00:58:14

CPD Hours: 1.00

Created: Monday, 22 March 2021


Area/s of Study

  • Clinical skills
  • Digital health
  • Immunisation

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