
Critical Care Essentials Bundle

Critical Care Essentials Bundle

The Critical Care Essentials bundle provides learners with evidence-based knowledge related to managing patients within critical care settings. This bundle consists of 4 modules: ECG Interpretation Having a good understanding of ECG interpretation is essential to help diagnose and monitor cardiovascular conditions. This module will provide a basic framework for analysing an ECG, including a step-by-step method for evaluating rhythm, rate, intervals and morphology to ensure a comprehensive and accurate interpretation based on the patient’s clinical presentation. ABG Interpretation Maintaining the body's pH within a normal range is necessary for cellular metabolism and essential for sustaining life. This module will provide an overview of the mechanisms of acid-base balance and compensation and the principles of ABG interpretation, including how to apply them to specific clinical presentations. Principles of Fluid Resuscitation Understanding the principles of fluid resuscitation is essential when caring for critically ill patients. This module will equip you with evidence-based knowledge in relation to the indication for fluid resuscitation, the importance of correct fluid dosing, managing and maintaining a fluid balance as well as considerations when caring for a paediatric versus adult fluid resuscitation including how to assess fluid responsiveness through dynamic assessments. Principles of Invasive Haemodynamic Monitoring Invasive haemodynamic monitoring is used routinely in critical care environments and is fundamental in assessing a patient's haemodynamic status and guiding therapeutic interventions. This module reviews the fundamental principles of hemodynamic monitoring, including the physiological concepts underpinning cardiovascular function measurement. Throughout this module, you will also learn how to interpret and analyse hemodynamic data and develop a deeper understanding of the implications of monitoring for patient care.


Critical Care Essentials Bundle

The Critical Care Essentials bundle provides learners with evidence-based knowledge related to managing patients within critical care settings. This bundle consists of 4 modules: ECG Interpretation Having a good understanding of ECG interpretation is essential to help diagnose and monitor cardiovascular conditions. This module will provide a basic framework for analysing an ECG, including a step-by-step method for evaluating rhythm, rate, intervals and morphology to ensure a comprehensive and accurate interpretation based on the patient’s clinical presentation. ABG Interpretation Maintaining the body's pH within a normal range is necessary for cellular metabolism and essential for sustaining life. This module will provide an overview of the mechanisms of acid-base balance and compensation and the principles of ABG interpretation, including how to apply them to specific clinical presentations. Principles of Fluid Resuscitation Understanding the principles of fluid resuscitation is essential when caring for critically ill patients. This module will equip you with evidence-based knowledge in relation to the indication for fluid resuscitation, the importance of correct fluid dosing, managing and maintaining a fluid balance as well as considerations when caring for a paediatric versus adult fluid resuscitation including how to assess fluid responsiveness through dynamic assessments. Principles of Invasive Haemodynamic Monitoring Invasive haemodynamic monitoring is used routinely in critical care environments and is fundamental in assessing a patient's haemodynamic status and guiding therapeutic interventions. This module reviews the fundamental principles of hemodynamic monitoring, including the physiological concepts underpinning cardiovascular function measurement. Throughout this module, you will also learn how to interpret and analyse

hemodynamic data and develop a deeper understanding of the implications of monitoring for patient care.
Paid Content Paid Content

Members: $40.00

Non-Members: $190.00

Content Type: Elearning module

CPD Hours: 14.00

Created: Wednesday, 18 October 2023


Area/s of Study

  • Acute care
  • Clinical skills
  • Community and primary health
  • Critical care
  • Education
  • Perioperative

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