
Genomics in Clinical Practice for Nurses

Genomics in Clinical Practice for Nurses

This module will approach genomics from a clinical perspective, providing participants with a mixture of clinical knowledge, skills, and case studies, and with reference to the Australian College of Nursing's (ACN's) ‘Nurses, Genomics and Clinical Practice’ position statement (2020).


Genomics in Clinical Practice for Nurses

This module will approach genomics from a clinical perspective, providing participants with a mixture of clinical knowledge, skills, and case studies, and with reference to the Australian College of Nursing's (ACN's) ‘Nurses, Genomics and Clinical Practice’ position statement (2020).
Paid Content Paid Content

Members: $15.00

Non-Members: $60.00

Content Type: Elearning module

CPD Hours: 4.00

Created: Monday, 23 October 2023


Area/s of Study

  • Child and family health
  • Community and primary health
  • Education
  • Genomics

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