
Nursing Leadership: A Global Perspective

Nursing Leadership: A Global Perspective

The ACN Leadership Faculty in collaboration with the ACN Global Faculty are pleased to present the final webinar for this year- 'Nursing Leadership: A Global Perspective'. The event brings together four amazing nurse leaders to share their experiences and insights into global nursing and leadership.


Presented by:

Adjunct Pro­fes­sor Shel­ley Nowl­an FACN Adjunct Pro­fes­sor Shel­ley Nowl­an (RN BN MHM G.DipPM GCert.PA FACN, GAICD) is Chief Nurs­ing and Mid­wifery Offi­cer, Clin­i­cal Excel­lence Queens­land, Queens­land Health; and also the Deputy Nation­al Rur­al Health Com­mis­sion­er – Nurs­ing and Midwifery, Australian Government, Department of Health and Aged Care. In her pro­fes­sion­al role, Adjunct Professor Nowlan advo­cates and con­tri­bu­tes to nurs­ing and mid­wifery at a state, national, and international lev­el and has presented as a keynote speaker in an international capacity at many health conferences. A reg­is­tered nurse with more than 35 years’ expe­ri­ence, Adjunct Professor Nowl­an holds a long­stand­ing inter­est in the health out­comes of rur­al and remote Aus­tralians and has worked for decades to ensure nurs­es and mid­wives were sup­port­ed to meet the needs of peo­ple liv­ing in rur­al and region­al Aus­tralia. Dr Peter Taratara MACN Peter joined the nursing profession after being a high school teacher for 12 years. He spent17 years working for hospitals in Perth Metropolitan area and for WA Country Health Service as a Registered Nurse, Clinical nurse, and Clinical Nurse Manager. He was the first president for Burundians Community in Western Australia, and currently holds presidency of the National Nurses Association in Burundi since 2019 (Association Burundaise des Infirmiers – “ABI”). Since being a president of ABI, he has been able to unify the many small nurses’ associations in Burundi into one national association called Association Burundaise des Infirmiers (ABI). At the end of August 2023, Burundi government’s council of ministers passed a decree for the creation of the order of nurses and midwives in the country following intensive lobbying for the same. The mid-career nurses’ leadership program which Peter attended in September 2022 opened up the horizons into what nurses leadership entails. Peter’s ultimate goal is to see that nurses and midwives in Burundi are given a voice and visibility that they deserve within the national health care system, and for them to be part of the nurses’ network, including the International Council of Nurses (ICN). LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-taratara-8767a834/ Melissa Hozjan MACN Melissa Hozjan joined the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Medical Department as advisor for paediatric and neonatal nursing in July 2018. From 2011, she worked in MSF humanitarian projects in numerous countries including Bangladesh, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, South Sudan, and Yemen and has worked as a nurse in over 20 countries. Melissa completed her Bachelor of Sciences in Nursing (2003), Master of Public Health and Tropical Medicine (2010), Master of Arts in Intercultural and International Communication (2014) and has qualifications in infection control, global healthcare and quality improvement. Rachael Dawe Rachael Dawe is a Registered Nurse/Midwife and medic who has nursed her way through rural and remote sites in Western Australia, Christmas Island and working for the Royal Flying Doctor Service. During her diverse career she has also jumped into the opportunity of being a volunteer medic/surf guide at numerous surf resorts in Fiji and remote Indonesia. During these stints she was able to navigate the diverse health care challenges and respond effectively to the regions cultural and healthcare requirements. From surfing injuries to staph infections- her clinical skill set and leadership allowed her to respond effectively to providing safe medical attention to resort guests and local village people. This experience not only allowed her to explore her passion to surf world class waves but to inspire others to network and seek opportunities and adventures at a global level.
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Content Type: Webinar recording

Duration: 01:10:24

CPD Hours: 1.00

Created: Tuesday, 10 October 2023


Area/s of Study

  • Leadership and management

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