
Paediatric assessment and recognising deterioration

Paediatric assessment and recognising deterioration

This CPD is aimed at those who want to learn or re-fresh their knowledge around paediatric assessment. Effective paediatric assessment is crucial when it comes to detecting and assessing for deterioration. Whilst children are often able to compensate for a longer period than adults when unwell, they often deteriorate more significantly and in a shorter time period which leads to increased morbidity and mortality.


Paediatric assessment and recognising deterioration

This CPD is aimed at those who want to learn or refresh their knowledge around paediatric assessment. Effective paediatric assessment is crucial when it comes to detecting and assessing for deterioration. Whilst children are often able to compensate for a longer period than adults when unwell, they often deteriorate more significantly and in a shorter time period which leads to increased morbidity and mortality.
Paid Content Paid Content

Members: $60.00

Non-Members: $90.00

Content Type: Elearning module

CPD Hours: 6.00

Created: Monday, 19 February 2024


Area/s of Study

  • Child and family health
  • Community and primary health
  • Education
  • Neonatal
  • Paediatric

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