
Nursing Accountability and Law

Nursing Accountability and Law

Accountability means that as nurses, we must be prepared to answer to others for our decisions, actions, behaviours and the responsibilities that are inherent in our roles. In this module you will learn which professional standards of practices and professional codes underpin accountability in nursing. You will also gain a deeper understanding of how law and ethics are fundamental to duty of care and how breaches of duty of care can lead to unprofessional conduct, professional misconduct or negligence.


Nursing Accountability and Law

Accountability means that as nurses, we must be prepared to answer to others for our decisions, actions, behaviours and the responsibilities that are inherent in our roles. In this module you will learn which professional standards of practices and professional codes underpin accountability in nursing. You will also gain a deeper understanding of how law and ethics are fundamental to duty of care and how breaches of duty of care can lead to unprofessional conduct, professional misconduct or negligence.
Paid Content Paid Content

Members: $0.00

Non-Members: $45.00

Content Type: Elearning module

CPD Hours: 3.00

Created: Wednesday, 20 March 2024


Area/s of Study

  • Career development
  • Leadership and management
  • Professional practice

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