
Immunisation Policy and Governance

Immunisation Policy and Governance

This recorded live CPD session will cover immunisation policy and governance surrounding national health strategies, the National Immunisation Program (NIP) as well as touch on the expert groups who advise the Australian government on immunisation. This CPD is for all nurses who either work in the field of immunisation or who are interested in how immunisations become available. The purpose of this CPD update is to provide healthcare professionals with the knowledge and resources surrounding immunisation policy and governance.


Immunisation Policy and Governance

This recorded live CPD session will cover immunisation policy and governance surrounding national health strategies, the National Immunisation Program (NIP) as well as touch on the expert groups who advise the Australian government on immunisation. This CPD is for all nurses who either work in the field of immunisation or who are interested in how immunisations become available. The purpose of this CPD update is to provide healthcare professionals with the knowledge and resources surrounding immunisation policy and governance.
Paid Content Paid Content

Members: $15.00

Non-Members: $15.00

Content Type: Elearning module

CPD Hours: 1.00

Created: Tuesday, 02 April 2024


Area/s of Study

  • Immunisation

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