
Understanding the National Aged Care Classification Funding Model

Understanding the National Aged Care Classification Funding Model

This CPD course is designed to provide you with fundamental knowledge of the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) funding Model and its practical applications in aged care. Completing this course will equip you with critical insights into the AN-ACC framework, ensuring you can provide high-quality care while maintaining compliance with evolving funding mechanisms.


Understanding the National Aged Care Classification Funding

This CPD course is designed to provide you with fundamental knowledge of the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) funding Model and its practical applications in aged care. Completing this course will equip you with critical insights into the AN-ACC framework, ensuring you can provide high-quality care while maintaining compliance with evolving funding mechanisms.
Paid Content Paid Content

Members: $0.00

Non-Members: $45.00

Content Type: Elearning module

CPD Hours: 3.00

Created: Thursday, 27 June 2024


Area/s of Study

  • Aged care

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