
Let's Talk Mental Health with VIC Chief Mental Health Nurse

Let's Talk Mental Health with VIC Chief Mental Health Nurse

Listen to Victoria's Chief Mental Health Nurse as she helps launch ACN's Mental Health Faculty. Anna Love and her Deputy Chief Mental Health Nurse, Kate Thwaites will discuss the key pieces of work they have committed to in their roles in Victoria since their appointment


Presented by:

Kate Thwaites -Deputy Chief Mental Health Nurse and Director Mental Health Improvement Program Kate was appointed Victoria’s Deputy Chief Mental Health Nurse in 2021, supporting the program of work undertaken by the Chief Mental Health Nurse. Kate was appointed the Director of the Mental Health Improvement Program within Safer Care Victoria in 2023 and leads the program of work which is a recommendation and outcome from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System. Kate supports mental health nursing leadership and works with mental health nurses, lived experience advisors, allied health professionals and project officers to develop clinical practice improvements and best practice frameworks aimed at supporting the mental health workforce and improving the experience of care for consumers, families, and carers and supporters.
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Content Type: Webinar recording

Duration: 00:47:09

CPD Hours: 1.00

Created: Tuesday, 21 May 2024


Area/s of Study

  • Mental health

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