Presented by:
Dr Lois Hamlin, RN, BN, MN (NEd), DNur, IT cert, OT cert, FCNA, FACORN (Retired), FACN Lois is a former senior lecturer and director of PG programs at Faculty of Health, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), where she was responsible for perioperative education. Lois is a member of the editorial panel of the Journal of Perioperative Practice. She is past editor the Journal of Perioperative Nursing and editor emerita, and past member of the Editorial Board of AORN Journal. Lois was also lead editor of Perioperative Nursing: An Introduction, the first Australasian perioperative nursing textbook (1e 2009; 2e 2016). Sally Sutherland-Fraser - Facilitator and Consultant, RN, MEd, FACORN, MNSWOTA, MACN Sally is a facilitator and education consultant based in Sydney. She has more than 40 years’ nursing experience in Australia and the United Kingdom, specialising in perioperative practice, education and mentorship. She is an author and co-editor of the Perioperative Nursing: An Introduction, now in its 3rd edition. Sally supports the Global Health Program of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) as the Nursing Specialty Coordinator and maintains her clinical skills as part of the casual staff at Sydney Hospital & Sydney Eye Hospital.