
Are We OK Self and Team Wellbeing in End of Life Care

Are We OK Self and Team Wellbeing in End of Life Care

This webinar will be a collaboration between End-of-Life Essentials (EOLE) Flinders University and the Australian College of Nursing (ACN). The webinar will be run as a one-hour panel discussion. The webinar aligns with R U OK? Day on September 12th, 2024. The topic will be self-care for health professionals in acute hospitals, with a specific focus on collective self-care, asking ‘Are we okay?’, stepping back from the individual level, and considering the broader healthcare team. As part of the discussion, the EOLE team will outline how EOLE education and resources can help assist health professionals and healthcare teams with their self-care practices and build their confidence in caring for patients at the end of life.


Presented by:

Associate Professor Jason Mills FACN is Chair, End of Life Care Faculty and an Associate Professor of Palliative and End of Life Care. Dr Jonathan Ramachenderan – Pain and Palliative Care Senior Medical Practitioner, WA Sara Fleming – Nurse Practitioner and Senior Lecturer in Palliative Care, SA Jennifer Smith – Nurse Practitioner in Palliative Care, NSW
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Free for Members

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Content Type: Webinar recording

Duration: 01:00:53

CPD Hours: 1.00

Created: Monday, 09 September 2024


Area/s of Study

  • Mental health
  • Palliative care

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