
Post Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU) Patient Assessment and Monitoring

Post Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU) Patient Assessment and Monitoring

Surgery, anaesthesia and mechanical ventilation affect several of the body's systems, primarily the respiratory, cardiovascular and neurological systems. This can contribute to the development of complications in the post-anesthetic period and beyond. This course will examine how to assess and manage patients recovering from anaesthesia and surgery, including recognising and managing complications.


Post Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU) Patient Assessment and Mon

Surgery anaesthesia and mechanical ventilation affect several of the bodys systems primarily the respiratory cardiovascular and neurological systems. This can contribute to the development of complications in the post-anesthetic period and beyond.

This course will examine how to assess and manage patients recovering from anaesthesia and surgery, including recognising and managing complications.
Paid Content Paid Content

Members: $30.00

Non-Members: $60.00

Content Type: Elearning module

CPD Hours: 4.00

Created: Thursday, 31 October 2024


Area/s of Study

  • Acute care
  • Clinical skills
  • Pain management
  • Perioperative

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