
Moral Resilience

Moral Resilience

Learning outcomes: - Developing moral resilience - Definition of moral resilience - Causes of moral distress - Responses/symptoms of moral distress - Components of moral distress - Recognise moral distress in nursing practice - Strategies to deal with moral distress - Moral resilience - Self identify ways to build moral resilience

Moral Resilience

Learning outcomes:
- Developing moral resilience
- Definition of moral resilience
- Causes of moral distress
- Responses/symptoms of moral distress
- Components of moral distress
- Recognise moral distress in nursing practice
- Strategies to deal with moral distress
- Moral resilience
- Self identify ways to build moral resilience

Presented by:

Susan Hogan
Mrs Susan Hogan MACN Manager Leadership Development, Australian College of Nursing

Area/s of Study

  • Leadership and management
Paid Content Paid Content

Members: $0.00

Non-Members: $30.00

Content Type: Elearning module

CPD Hours: 2.00


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